Archive for the ‘humor’ Category

Jurabbit Park

Posted: August 28, 2015 in animals, humor, movies
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Who framed Roger Jurabbit?

Roger Angus Dorn, is a rabbit, and plays a central role in the new triller Jurabbit Park, which is produced by Roger’s human, Matt Christensen. Roger stars in a 9 photos gallerie of him re-enacting scenes from the 1993 film Jurassic Park. More pictures of Roger on his Instagram’s Page. Source: Cute Overload.









So, you have a cat and you love it to bits. It doesn’t matter if it’s a fluffy ball of love and purrs or a sofa dictator ready to rip you apart with their sharp claws, you still love it and that’s just how it goes. But graphic designer Claude Combacau has sketched up this series of comic images, called “Catsass“, that lets us know what the latter kind of cats might actually have in their minds. Or, to put it more accurately, it is about what the “owners” of this particular kind of cats fear they’re actually thinking when they witness their cats run off out of the blue like they’ve been stung by a bee or something.

Claude Combacau believes that her comic is exactly that, the fears of these owners solidified. She, too, has a cat, although not even close to being half as mean as the one portrayed in his comic. A minimalistic black-lined on white background comic that focuses on what really matters: what cats think.

If Combacau’s right, then maybe it’s a good thing they can’t talk, after all. Source: Art-Sheep.

















Star Wars Silent Movie

Posted: June 3, 2014 in humor, movies
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If any Star Wars movie had been made in the early years of cinema, how it should look? Well, this little movie called Anachronisme maybe give us an idea. May the Force be with you!


The Empire Strikes Back Uncut!

The Empire… what? Yes, “The Empire Strikes Back Uncut” is a geek project to remake the whole movie – scene by scene – only with fans – who will star themselves in a full movie playing in their favorite scenes. It sounds like something as the movie “Be Kind, Rewind”, and that is the idea. Using a camera and much criativity, the project has started and you can learn more about it just clicking here. Check out for updates on the official Facebook page.

According to their site, “Star Wars Uncut is a crazy fan mashup remake of the original Star Wars movies. It is the brainchild of Casey Pugh, a developer dedicated to creating interactive experiences on the web. In 2009, Casey was inspired to use the Internet and an ever-ready pool of passionate Star Wars fans to crowdsource the classic film Star Wars IV: A New Hope. This pet project turned into a labor of love and creativity on a large scale. Nearly a thousand fans came together to participate and the resulting movie is equal parts fun, kooky, and dearly nostalgic.”

In 2010, the project has started with hundreds of Internet users remade “Star Wars: A New Hope” into a fan film, 15 seconds at a time. The finished product, “Star Wars Uncut,” won an Emmy in 2010 in a relatively new category, interactive media, heaping new attention onto a project that its producers call a “user-directed broadcast.” The award is all the more remarkable because, in a world in which television heavyweights like HBO and NBC mount big-budget campaigns to win Emmys, “Star Wars Uncut” is just a hobby for its creator, Casey Pugh, a 29-year-old Web developer who lives in Brooklyn. You can read all The New York Times post here. You can watch Star Wars: Uncut online on their own site and know a little bit of what you can wait for “The Empire Strikes Back Uncut”!

uncut-star-wars-emyFrom left, Casey Pugh, Annelise Pruitt, Jamie Wilkinson and Chad Pugh with their Emmys for “Star Wars Uncut.” Photo: The New York Times.

The teaser for “The Empire Strikes Back Uncut”:

During an appearance on BBC Radio 1 for The Matt Edmondson Show in promotion of his upcoming film “X-Men: Days of Future Past”, Hugh Jackman was handed the lyrics to “Wolverine: The Musical”. You’ve never heard “Who Am I?” from “Les Miserables” sung like this before: “Who am I? Am I a superhero with some claws? Or just an actor searching for applause?” Watch the performance in the video below.



You can check out another version (with puppets) of this awaited supershow on YouTube just clicking the image below:
